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Author Topic: Someone else test this....  (Read 9439 times)

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Someone else test this....
« on: July 13, 2007, 05:24:41 PM »
I've been doing some testing and not sure if this is just coincidence or what but...

When I turn OFF "Get flights from Radarbox Network"  (Network off) then I get more Live (MyFlights) contacts !!  Confused  lol

Cornwall, UK


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Re: Someone else test this....
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2007, 06:10:12 PM »
I've been doing some testing and not sure if this is just coincidence or what but...

When I turn OFF "Get flights from Radarbox Network"  (Network off) then I get more Live (MyFlights) contacts !!  Confused  lol

I've noticed this too.  Although I haven't done any scientific testing, it seems to work like this (I'm sure that AirNav support will put me right if I've got it wrong).

If the network is tracking a flight outside you "live" coverage area, as that track approaches where it will display live, it keeps showing as a network (5 min delayed) track.  I've watch stuff go through my overhead at FL390, well within my live coverage area, and it remains a network track.  I don't know if this is deliberate, but I suppose that it does reduce track jumping as it goes from network, to live and back to network again.

If I deselect network data with such a track showing, it immediately appears as a live track, but  5 minutes ahead of where it was.  And you are right, the number of live tracks goes up, so this must be happening with other potentially live tracks.

Not sure if I like this or not?  I suppose that it does keep relative positions correct.  On the other hand, it might just be a bug!


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Re: Someone else test this....
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2007, 06:21:14 PM »

Further to my last, I've just watched a track through the overhead.  It did jump to the "Live" position when the network track was approx 5 minutes from the overhead, but the aircraft stayed in the Network list.  So maybe when you turn off the network traffic, live traffic is listed correctly in the My Flight list, hence the number of live tracks appears to increase.


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Re: Someone else test this....
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2007, 06:43:04 PM »

Further to my last, I've just watched a track through the overhead.  It did jump to the "Live" position when the network track was approx 5 minutes from the overhead, but the aircraft stayed in the Network list.  So maybe when you turn off the network traffic, live traffic is listed correctly in the My Flight list, hence the number of live tracks appears to increase.

Unscientific again, but I'm sometimes having to "force" a network track to go live in my area of coverage by switching off network data.  As the Network track approaches my overhead, it stops moving but does not timeout.  It stays in the network list.  Switch off network data, and the track appears in the correct live position (compared with the SBS-1 running alongside) and in the My Flight list.

I'd be interested to hear what "rule logic" AirNav are using with such tracks that go from network to live and vice versa.