The Navdata is the database for RB which contains over 220,000 records of tied up hex codes as well as details of routes, aircraft types etc which RB uses to detail what you are picking up.
Mylog/Reporter details what you have picked up to whatever frequency you choose daily, weekly, monthly annually etc. i.e. what you are asking for.
If you chose to deal with it on a daily,weekly whatever basis the hex codes not tied up are at the top of the list. These can then be cut and pasted onto the d/b update thread and I would then be able to tie them up, hopefully. Just remember that not everything will be able to be tied up as there are lots of miscodes out there being used by aircraft especially in the US.
What version of RB are you using, the latest V5 has an updated Navdata available for downloading each day showing the additions, deletion, amendments made to the database in the preceding time since you last updated