I experienced today, how do i put it? Hmmm possibly a very grave sense of disappointment! After all the research and the wonderful help I have received here, I purchased the radarama from a store in London, they dont ship to India so I ordered it to a friends house. After placing the order, the smarty pant store emailed saying that they dont accept Indian credit cards (for whatever crappy reason), thankfully my friend was gracious enough to order the Radarama for me.
My folks who were, by coincidence, travelling to LHR, picked up the antenna and brought it back.
Further, I then needed to hunt for good loss less co-ax cable, which I found a store in Delhi who sells the stuff quite cheap. Any how, I purchased 15 meters of RG 213 with a jumper wire of 1 meter comprising of RG 58. The idiots in Delhi sent me the jumper wire and the RG 213, however, they forgot to crimp the second N connector on the cable! It took me a month to get the second N connector, and mind you I bought ANOTHER 15 meters of the stuff to expedite my installation (holidays were and are running out and soon I will have ziltch time to devote to my lovely hobby), which I received today.
Excited, I climbed up to my roof to test the set up, I connected everything (the Radarama needed to be tested before I went and purchased the pipe on which it would rest) and waited in anticipation, however it is NOT picking up any signals!
I have switched between my indoor antenna, which is receiving signals loud and clear, however, when I set up the RG 213 / RG 58 / Radarama combo, bang... the screen goes blank and all planes I was receiving, time out.
What do I do? I feel like shooting myself!!