I am sure we can all find things from each of the systems that fits with what we want. I have both machines so use elements from each that I like. No one system has the monopoly on good ideas :-)
It's one thing having good ideas, and a totally different thing to implement them! I don't bother running my SBS-1 now, as it doesn't give me anything I cant get from RadarBox.
Of course, my SBS-1 is Ethernet capable so I can run the laptop wirelessly in the garden and watch the aircraft via BaseStation with the SBS-1 in the house. However, I did have to invalidate my guarantee by carry out what Kinetic described as a "hack" and the "butchering" of my SBS-1 to achieve this!
Local wireless networking of RadarBox would be a nice option, but just how many people would want it is questionable.
Choice of what is shown in the aircraft label would be nice though.
Can't think of much else.