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Author Topic: Using PlanePlotter with RadarBox  (Read 37908 times)

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Using PlanePlotter with RadarBox
« on: March 20, 2008, 01:44:47 PM »
PlanePlotter is 3rd party software that can read, display and share data from a number of sources.  PlanePlotter can read the RadarBox recorder file and display aircraft on its own map.  Note that all RadarBox data displayed on PlanePlotter is delayed by 5 minutes.

PlanePlotter is available here:

To setup PlanePlotter to work with RadarBox, do the following:

1. Install and run PlanePlotter

2. In the PlanePlotter program, select Options|Directories|RadarBox and select the RadarBox Recorder directory.  This is normally:

C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2008\Recorder

3. In PlanePlotter, select Options|I\O Settings and set Input Data to Mode S\ADS-B and Mode S Source to RadarBox Log. Click OK to close the menu.

4. In RadarBox, start recording - File|Start Recording.

5. In PlanePlotter, click the green button or use Process|Start

6. Your RadarBox Live traffic (MyFlights) will appear on the PlanePlotter screen 5 minutes after record has been started on RadarBox.

Note: Refer to the PlanePlotter Help file to see how to set up and generate maps for your area.  Also note that you cannot share your RadarBox traffic with other PlanePlotter users, or see their shared traffic, until you have purchased PlanePlotter.

AirNav Systems has no affiliation with PlanePlotter or COAA and users should refer to the PlanePlotter forum for assistance with this program.