After waiting several weeks to receive the antenna from Dave at DPD, I finally got it and unpacked it. As usual his packaging is superb and the box was sealed very well. In a matter of minutes I attached it to my balcony, up 7 floors and ran the cable inside to the airnav box.
The Difference was noticeable right away. Not only did I receive more aircraft...(Both Mode-S and ADS-B), the polar diagram started increasing in size right away. My range was extended dramatically! One thing I noticed was that the amount of ADS-B aircraft increased within the same range as I had before. Meaning I was not picking up some ADS-B aircraft that were right under my nose. Having it tuned to 1090 Mhz seems to be the key!
I also find that the movement of aircraft on my screen now seem more "fluid" as the signal is being received much stronger.
Highly recommended!