I've been looking at various alternatives to the spheres. This has included using letters, arrows and cones. I've tried the coloured 'planes idea too, but they are slightly confusing because they all 'fly' in the same direction - as they are simple graphics files they cannot be Hdg orientated. The cones work best for me and I've attached the files that I use. Letters work well to and I'll post the files if anyone is interested. I like the letters because of the potential to enhance the information displayed on the 3D view. You'll see on the display list that there are the categories Approach & Landing (Green), Cruise & Levelled (Blue) and Take-off/Departure/Climb (Red). Could you have those categories displayed on the 3D View using letters? For example, letters Ap & Ld (Green), Cr & Lv (Blue) To & Dp & Cl (Red).