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Author Topic: No AirNav Network  (Read 4310 times)

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No AirNav Network
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:07:35 PM »
I installed AirNavRadarbox last January. It worked with no problems-sometimes the network was down for a few hours but that was a minor problem.

 Also I bought the "3D Google AirNav", which is a big hoax(in my opinion) . But I didn't complain.

But since April 11 I don't have any RadarBoxAirNav network. But my AirNavFlightTracker 6 works fine.

The RadarBox is also  working fine-shows only local traffic.

I uninstalled the AirNav RadarBox program and reinstalled it. Still no network.

The AirNav Support can't help. Last msg sent today :

"We have checked our logs and its clear that your not connecting to our servers. If you have network flights ticked and its not connecting then it has to be a firewall or network issue your side. There is nothing else we can do, as its not our software or network which is causing it."

They can't answer why the RadarBox AirNav network was working OK from last January to April 11 on my PC. I didn't change antivirus/firewall (Norton) during that period. Nor did I change it's settings and the internet is working fine. As I keep my PC on 24 h/ day, I am now asking myself: did Norton creep up into my PC on that fateful April 11 and put up more bricks on the firewall to block AirNav? Or did a malicious idiot creep inside my PC and changed this firewall settings?

I absolutely have no idea how to fumble on Norton firewall settings. Obviously, this is a delicate issue.

It is not the first time that I've seen "support" blaming the firewalls (nor it will be the last).

I just know that I am now in a stalemate. Looks that I will lose my monies spent on this gadget and the one year subscription.

I would be very grateful  if anyone in this forum could help me. Clearly, this is a last resort measure.


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Re: No AirNav Network
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2010, 10:12:47 PM »
Not sure what you mean about 3D being a 'hoax' - what a strange statement!

When firewall software does automatic updates, it is quite normal for it to ask for permission for programs to connect to the Internet after the update.  I use ZoneAlarm free and this is just what happens.

The RB Network is fine, so if you haven't been able to connect since 11 Apr, then it looks like the problem is at your end.

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Re: No AirNav Network
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2010, 10:44:47 PM »
The problem is definitely on your PC as there is no connection attempts being made from your machine and your account is also looking fine.

Reading the ticket conversation I think you expect us to fix it or give you precise advice what to do but unfortunately we can't. I know your annoyed but Sir when these issues come up and we check these account logs etc.. its 99.99% a firewall or router issue and then we get an email back saying yes you were right.

There isn't a software/account/network issue, we have ruled them out. We are not sure what you expect us to do? We would be interested to know if you think we are not doing enough?
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Re: No AirNav Network
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2010, 05:39:04 PM »
I called a technician today to have a look at the Norton firewall. He just disconnected and turned it on again. That solved the problem.

So that's an advice for anyone who may have this problem in the future.

So the AirNav support was right again! My sincere congratulations.


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Re: No AirNav Network
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2010, 06:37:06 PM »

It is not the first time that I've seen "support" blaming the firewalls (nor it will be the last).

So the AirNav support was right again! My sincere congratulations.

Going by the tone in which your first post was written (support in inverted commas etc). I think apologies as well as congratulations is needed from you.



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Re: No AirNav Network
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2010, 09:55:33 PM »
Indeed I must concur with Orkney on this.  Come on japa - be a big man (or woman) and apologise ! It's all too easy to criticise Airnav during problems, but they are helpful and even though they may have their faults, they seem to take flippant remarks on the chin and continue to help. So come on japa .. you can do it.

Crikey - I sound like I am talking to my six year old son now....
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