The D008.dat file in the Airnav Radarbox DATA folder shows you the breakdown of ModeS hex codes to country/military/etc. You'll need to convert the binary values to hex.
AQ,Austria Mil,0100010001--------------
tells you that Austrian military aircraft are in the range 444000 - 447FFF
Oops, I'd forgotten about that file :-)
And for anyone who is struggling with the relationship between the ICAO binary mask and the hex code range, you can always use the Windows Calculator (in Scientific View mode) to do the conversion.
Taking the above example 0100010001-------------- for Austrian military, replace the dashes with zeros (010001000100000000000000) and convert to hex to get the lower limit of the range (444000). Likewise, replace the dashes with ones (010001000111111111111111) and convert to hex (447FFF) to get the upper limit.