From my limited understanding of how mode s works there are various messages sent from the aircraft and they have labels such as "DF17". In this case DF17 is the ADS-B Extended Squitter message but there are others such as DF11 which is an Acquisition Squitter.
I was wondering if there is a list of the DF messages the RB decodes?
Both RadarBox and SBS decode the following DFs, although only the SBS has a third-party driver available that will allow you to inspect the contents:
DF4 - Surveillance Altitude
DF5 - Surveillance ID (squawk)
DF11 - All-Call Reply/TCAS Acquisition Squitter
DF17 - Extended Squitter (aka "ADS-B Squitter")
DF20 - Surveillance Altitude/Ground-Initiated Comm-B
DF21 - Surveillance ID (squawk)/Ground-Initiated Comm-B
DF20 & DF21 are used in Europe for ELS/EHS DAPs; I'm not sure what use, if any, is made of them elsewhere
Not all fields from all of these DFs are displayed.
A "Squitter" simply means a Mode S transmission from an aircraft that isn't in response to a ground station interrogation.