Guys - be careful using the Aerodata file as I believe it was originally developed for SBS users a couple of years ago, and as a long standing user of Aerodata, together with my conversations with the guys who maintain it, they were not willing to vouch for the continued accuracy of the file available for download from their web site.
Tarbat - I think you are correct that the file can be used for us RadarBox users?
I continually update my RadarBox data base using my up to date Aerodata database,and you wouldn't believe how quickly things change!
My Aerodata/RadarBox analyser does the rest, and the two work well side by side, however I do realise that the cost is prohibitive to some users.
Just be aware that this file may be well out of date,and you may actually put some records further back historically than your current database has them.
To provide a professional,well maintained reliable accurate database free of charge that sits comfortably along side RadarBox is likely, in my opinion to need some collaboration with one of the main players in the spotting software market, and , undoubtedly at a premium for the privalage. I think the guys at Aerodata and ADU have enough to do running their own succesful product to look at other initiatives at present.