After using RB for over 1 year now, I have a few suggestions that would make life a lot better ...
1) It would be nice to filter/sort on the routing field so that you can see all aircraft either inbound/originating at a particular airfield
2) I often sort the 'interface' by altitude, particularly if I am sitting at an airport trying to monitor inbound/outbound aircraft. The problem is that as soon as you position the cursor on a particular record, the whole screen jumps so that particular record is in the middle of the screen - this is hugely annoying and can make it very difficult to read. If you can find a way to freeze the middle of the screen at a particular altitude (if you're sorting on the altitude column) it would provide a much smoother way of seeing what's going up and what's going down ...
3) Add an option to list all 'timeout' aircraft at the bottom of the list, rather than the current approach. Again, the current approach can make it very difficult to keep your eye on a particular aircraft because it's relative position in the list is constantly changing.
4) Improve the ability to display/hide/reorder fields
5) Fix the '...' in the 'Aircraft' field of a lot of records.
6) Improve the 'Reporter' functionality to have more flexibiliity in selecting the data to be included in the report.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I hope to see some of these suggestions (or the spirit of them) incorporated into the program in due course.