UPDATE: should have checked the forum first! The OS being outdated is the issue. Moderators please remove post.
I had RBFeeder installed a few years ago, didn't use it for whatever reason but now want to reuse it.
I initially thought it was on an older SD card so I ran the bash script from the website in step 1.
It starts the install, requests the gpg key from the hkp server, recognises the key and then says 'Don't know how to install for a distribution named'.
I thought something was perhaps wrong with the install so purged rbfeeder, removed logs and then ran the step 1 bash script again. It does the same thing and after a short while says 'Don't know how to install for a distribution named'
I'm running a Pi 2B on Jessie (I've never had issues so never needed to upgrade etc) and running FR24, FA, 360Radar, Planefinder without any issues.
I have added the output from the terminal to this message. I'm not quite sure what's private so I've taken out some IP addresses in the first couple of lines and replaced the key at the bottom with X's.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks, Max