Hi Hugh, if you've been handling the antenna, there'll not be any charge on it, you'll have earthed it, if it's an external aerial lead, touching centre pin with your finger'll earth it. AN will say that static is not a problem, but quite a lot of us have had dead boxes, which have then been modified and repaired by AN through W&S Ltd., and if you're out and about in your car and go to plug in an antenna that has been mag-mounted on the roof and driven along in this glorious hot, dry weather can build up a huge charge. With all these synthetic materials used in upholstery and cars being insulated from earth by non-conductive rubber can build a huge charge, last week as I got out of my 07 Passat estate, as I went to close the door, there was an audible crack as static jumped from my middle finger to the car, about 1.5 cm, leaving my finger numb for a few minutes - what's that going to do to sensitive electronic components..............?