You may be getting slightly confused here. The answer is actually No. No aircraft that only have Mode A/C will ever be displayed on Radarbox, the Radarbox can only decode Mode S. It has no capability to decode Mode A/C although is does display the 4 digit octal Squawk code from these modes as long as the aircraft is also tranmitting Mode S. Mode A/C squawk codes are allocated by Air Traffic Control authorities and have no correlation to airframe identity.
Mode A just displays the 4-digit octal squawk code.
Mode C displays the 4 digit octal squawk code and also will report pressure altitude.
Mode S is the one based on the 24-bit binary Aircraft Allocation code which is displayed as six-character hex for the code we use and includes all the additional information on aircraft identity, callsign, heading, speed etc. If it is ADS-B it will also broadcast position to enable it to plot on the Radarbox map.
A mode S equipped aeroplane will also also transmit a Mode C Squawk.
If military aircraft are fitted with Mode S, they will be picked up and identified on Radarbox, although if not fitted with ADS-B they will not display a position.
Any civil or military aircraft that is only fitted with Mode A/C and not equipped with Mode S will be completely invisible on Radarbox and will never appear on the system.
These pages will explain more.