Blimey Bratters - we don't often get completely circular polars like that.
You must be in a superb location.
Not that I know of Rod. East Midlands on the outskirts of a place called Bingham.
I suppose it's fairly flat, esp. to the east and south. Peak district north of course. I'm 110ft asl in a standard two level detached house with a 600mtr clear view across a field to the south but otherwise houses to north, east and west.
I attach an old "Hey Whats That" prediction chart I did which has turned out to be amazingly accurate. It even looks a touch conservative but that's because the Polar Diagram is built on maximums - ie flights of probably 39000-40000 feet.
I've tried to follow the tips learnt on here - box near aerial, maximum USB, minimum coax and aerial as high as poss. I failed a bit on the latter as the chimney stack is a bit iffy but overall I am very chuffed.
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