Hello, all. Received my RadarBox last week, courtesy of Wimo (they forgot to include the flylead from the external antenna pre-amp to the RadarBox - they have sent one, and I await its arrival).
I'm just fiddling with the unit having switched it on for the first time, using the supplied antenna.
I'm a bit puzzled by the range rings. I know I'm about 98 statute miles from Limoges (LFBL), yet the range ring display suggests that LBFL is only about 45 nm away. Even allowing for the conversion, this appears to be way out.
My position on the map is about right, and the distance to Brive (LFBV) is also about right-ish. Anyone have any ideas or comments about this apparent discrepancy?
Otherwise, first impressions are more than favourable, and I'm having lots of fun!