I got my RadarBox yesterday and been playing with it all morning with some good success considering I am only using the supplied antenna outside my bedroom window! So far I have tracked 765 aircraft in 4 hours - obviously helps to be near Heathrow! Can't see to much south of the house but have been receiving aircraft up to 100 miles out with typically 40-50 at any one time.
I am bound to ask some stupid/naive questions so my apologies in advance. So - first question - relates to ACARS. The ACARS tab is blank which is because I have not not the ACARS decoder - the question I have is what aditional information would I gain if I got the decoder?
welcome colin just got my airnav box last week and enjoying it, i was out in car
in county donegal ireland up some hills with laptop and aerial on dashboard,
it was amazing experience.
going to try a local hill at Scalp Mountain to 1600ft,/Height: 484 metres about 3 miles away from derry northern ireland
all the best from robbie.