Right, lets look at an example.
This first picture shows GSM448 approx 15 miles south of Home at FL379, easily within live coverage range, but only showing in Networked Data with the position being delayed by 5 minutes (cross checked with the SBS-1)
I now deselect Network Data, and immediately GSM448 is picked up as a live track in its actual position some 25 miles to the north east of Home.. It is now added to the My Flights list. Note the difference in distance between the tracks in each picture, even though these screens were grabbed one after the other with only seconds between the grabs. The Network track of GSM448 failed to update at least twice when listed in the Network list.
Also, look at EZY178 - almost off the top of the picture in the first shot. Switch off Network data and it shows to the north east of home, yet is only showed as a network track with live and Network selected. Surely, live data should take priority over network data?
OK AirNav, over to you :-)
This has also been submitted direct to
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