« Last post by Runway 31 on October 03, 2024, 07:59:47 PM »
To confuse matters even more 7434C4 is B505 541
1539 was delivered out of the factory as RJZ1539 using 743596 and noted Bangor-Santa Maria-Foggia-Beirut 6-11th June. Looks like I will need to mark it as VARIOUS in use by more than one airframe
A message on the mode-s forum of 6th June gives an even worse story
743596 is a total mess. It's used by 3 different frames (also IL76 361
before it went to Egypt). The C208 RJ-1539 using it is miscoded, as is
the AT8T RJ2560 which should probably be 74359A. The APEX callsigns
that Alan mentions in his recent messages belong to the PC21s and 1181
is probably the legit user of 743596 but the PC21s have never been