AirNav Systems Forum

AirNav RadarBox and => AirNav RadarBox and Discussion => Topic started by: orkney on April 22, 2013, 03:06:04 PM

Title: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: orkney on April 22, 2013, 03:06:04 PM

Once again, The new Navdata Installer can be downloaded from the link below:

For checking your installation this one has 196,276 records.

Thank you

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: 54901 - Jim on April 22, 2013, 04:03:05 PM
Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Runway 31 on April 22, 2013, 04:06:03 PM
That will be correct Jim, I think I passed the wrong number to Orkney

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: tommyg on April 22, 2013, 07:23:45 PM
Thanks guys, yet another stirling effort.

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: imropes on April 23, 2013, 07:10:41 AM
Thank You.
Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: nortonbeak on April 23, 2013, 07:27:52 AM
Thank you:-)
Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Northern Watch on April 25, 2013, 07:31:41 AM
Thanks again for all the effort, it is greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: dantheman on April 25, 2013, 09:33:12 AM
Many thanks for your hard work.
Title: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Kenny on April 25, 2013, 11:09:02 AM
Thanks to all who help update the db..

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: jacobite on April 29, 2013, 05:38:43 AM
Another good job,thanks.

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Sketco on April 30, 2013, 03:14:26 AM
oookay...I think I'm in trouble. I downloaded the update, rechecked several times that the .db3 file is in the correct folder (running ver 3.13). Showing 84468.  I've obviously mucked up somewhere.
Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Runway 31 on April 30, 2013, 07:43:42 AM

I presume you have more than one version of Airnav on your computer.  If you installed from the disk and then upgraded to V3.13 you will have both on your computer and it looks like the update went to the correct one.

Two questions for you. 1. What version of Windows ae you using.  2.  Did you install to the default location or somewhere like C:\Airnav.

Use Windows search to look for all instances of NavData db.3.  When you find them you have two options.  You can either download and install to the corect folder or you can moves the new NavData.db3 file to the correct data folder replacing the one there.

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Sketco on April 30, 2013, 08:13:49 AM
Cheers Alan,

re: questions 1&2

OS: Windows Vista SP1

File:             NavData.db3
Type of file:  DB3 File (.db3)
Located:      C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2009\Data
Size:            50.1 MB (52,603,904 bytes)
Created:      ‎Saturday, ‎3 ‎December ‎2011, ‏‎1:43:51 AM
Modified:      ‎Monday, ‎22 ‎April ‎2013, ‏‎3:04:32 PM

Installed Db update using updater package to C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2009
updater completed the \Data transaction.

Now Showing 84468, not the 196,276 I was expecting. the NavData.db3 has updated  (been modified)to the right place, but for some reason I'm not showing an increase in records. I've done this once before on an update, but cannot remember how I resolved it.
Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Runway 31 on April 30, 2013, 11:22:40 AM

As you detailed C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2009\Data there lies your problem. As your first post detailed you are using version V3.13, you have 2 versions of Radarbox on your computer. 2009 is the original which came on the disk with the box and V3.13 is the upgrade which you downloaded from the Airnav site.

The update went to the data folder of the disk version 2009 not the data folder of the updated version V3.13.  You will have a Navdata.db3 in each of them but it is reading the older one which is giving you the 88,468 records.  You require to find the other data folder and within it you will find the correct Navdata.db.3 file which will then require to be moved to the V3.13 data folder.

As you appear to have used the default install V3.13 will probably be installed to c:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\Radarbox\Data.  Note V3.13 doesnt have 2009 afeter Radarbox.

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Sketco on April 30, 2013, 12:50:55 PM
Thanks Alan,

3.13 Launches from C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2009, and the old elf files from Ver2009 are stored there from the program update.

 But anyway, relaunched the updater to c:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\Radarbox, which is the other folder.

 I now have 84473 instead of 84468, but they would be additions to the database from the box itself.

 Does it matter that I haven't updated db3 files sequentially?.

Sorry to be a pain, it probably doesn't matter at the end of the day, but it would be nice to solve the problem.

As i say it has happened before, I just don't recall how I fixed it last time. I recall it took a bunch of steps, just dont remember them.
Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Runway 31 on April 30, 2013, 01:07:27 PM
No the Navdata updates overwrite not sequentially update,.

I presume you used Windows search to look for all instances of NavData.db3 as to get 88*** you must be looking at the wrong one as if you were looking at the one you downloaded and installed you would have 196*** and the date would be the date downloadedand installed which will be different to the other one.

Within the same data folder you will also have other Navdata** files in addition to NavData.db3. You will have NavData.db3.bak  Navdata.db3 journal  NavData.db3.stmtjnl and navdata-backup.db3

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Sketco on April 30, 2013, 03:12:35 PM
Thanks Alan,
Yes, I did the search as you suggested and all roads lead below:

In c:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\Radarbox\Data I have:


In C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2009\Data I have:


In C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2009 I have:

Airnav Radarbox 2010 manual.pdf
Airnav Radarbox 2009 manual.pdf
ANRB ( exe file that then launches 3.13)

While hunting down all these files, I tried to examine the contents using NavData.db3 Tool.
attempting to load either of the NavData.db3 files returns this:
C:\Program Files\Airnav Systems\ AirNav RadarBox 2009 (*also just straight ANRB folder data file)\Data\actype.xlsx (Access is denied) followed by a bunch of Java operations with a good bunch of (unknown source) suffixes.
Is it possible that I just simply corrupted my update in the download??
your thoughts before i download again.

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Runway 31 on April 30, 2013, 03:24:47 PM
As the Navdata in V3.13 is an older version I would try moving the Navdata.db3 in C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2009\Data into c:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\Radarbox\Data replacing the one that is in there and then start up again and see what happens.

If it were my set up I would delete everything and re-install V3.13 into C\Airnav avoiding the windows virtual store which can give problems but maybe thats for another day especially if you were not having any problems anyway.


Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Sketco on April 30, 2013, 03:54:01 PM
Thanks Alan,
No harm in doing a drag and drop across, so i'll try that tomorrow as I have already done an instal from the updater to that directory with no joy, I don't hold out much hope.
Thank you for your time.
As you say, it currently isn't broke, just in need of an update, so i'm a bit leary to poke it with a stick while it's happy enough.
Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Runway 31 on April 30, 2013, 04:30:53 PM
The correct Navdata.db3 file will be around 51,371KB in size

Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: jaskel on May 08, 2013, 08:46:41 AM
link s dead
Title: Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20130422
Post by: Runway 31 on May 08, 2013, 09:47:27 AM
There will hopefully be a new update later today.
