AirNav Systems Forum

AirNav Radar => AirNav Radar Screenshots => Topic started by: tarbat on February 09, 2008, 11:35:29 AM

Title: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: tarbat on February 09, 2008, 11:35:29 AM
I'm up and running now in the far north of Scotland, on the Tarbatness peninsula right next to the Tain RAF bombing range.  We don't get a lot of air traffic up here, but here's a Saturday morning view as the transatlantic flights start to appear.

I'll typically be sharing flight data 24x7.

Note that I don't appear on the sharing map (, as my IP address resolves to London.


And my radio setup:

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Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: Allocator on February 09, 2008, 12:00:07 PM

You've got cracking coverage there - I been watching "north of the border" since about 8.00 am and I guessed that it was you!

There are loads of people sharing this morning, especially across the whole of Europe :-)
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: AirNav Support on February 09, 2008, 12:42:47 PM
Nice setup, yes its always busy with sharers on the weekend.

Guess your location to aircarft depends on what NATS are in use as sometimes they won't fly that North.
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: tarbat on February 09, 2008, 12:53:19 PM
Yes, it means doing a polar diagram takes days (or even weeks)!  I sit here just hoping that an aircraft will take a different route and fill in the gap in my polar diagram.

Of course, the compensation is that I get a dozen RAF Tornados appear in my aircraft list as they practice high-level bombing of my house!
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: AirNav Development on February 09, 2008, 04:12:03 PM
Great Screen Shots! What is the font type you are using on the aircraft labels? Looks very professional.
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: tarbat on February 09, 2008, 04:26:47 PM
Font is just a standard Arial size 9.  I like to get my display looking just right, hence the high-res coastline and subdued colours!
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: AirNav Development on February 09, 2008, 04:32:03 PM
That font size and type looks great. We will do some tests here with it. Keep us informed on news from your station.
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: mt007 on February 09, 2008, 04:40:16 PM
dvelopment guys,
and zoom?
To see taxiways in airports?
In next version have that?
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: AirNav Development on February 09, 2008, 05:19:31 PM
This version has that! It's a matter of placing the proper outline files on the outline folder inside the application. Outlines are of same format as on our competition.

Have a look at the post below:
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: mt007 on February 09, 2008, 05:27:39 PM
Ok, good.
I dont see anyone with this situation, so i have ask.
But ok.
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: AirNav Development on February 09, 2008, 05:31:46 PM
No problem! We are here to answer all the questions. And please send us software suggestions when you have them.
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: Allocator on February 09, 2008, 06:39:55 PM
dvelopment guys,
and zoom?
To see taxiways in airports?
In next version have that?

Like this you mean? This is EDDH Hamburg as created by me.


You can already do this with RadarBox.  See this thread:

This tells you how to do it:

Have fun

Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: mt007 on February 09, 2008, 07:03:33 PM
Hi Allocator, yes is that.
Im go try to make for Portugal.
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: Dub33 on February 09, 2008, 07:15:52 PM
Hi Tarbat,

Looks great, and nice work on the outlines \ labels...

Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: AirNav Development on February 09, 2008, 07:25:58 PM
There are sites on the web with lots of outlines to download. Have a look at:

(you can use SBS outlines in RadarBox).
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: viw on February 09, 2008, 09:33:18 PM
Good evening,

I´m just remodelling my display, but can`t  find how to change the font type and size?


Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: Allocator on February 09, 2008, 09:50:11 PM
Good evening,

I´m just remodelling my display, but can`t  find how to change the font type and size?



File/Preferences/General/Labels - Change Font
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: viw on February 09, 2008, 10:07:39 PM

I guess I had tomatoes on my eyes!!

Cheers, Gerald
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: Allocator on February 09, 2008, 10:21:31 PM

I guess I had tomatoes on my eyes!!

Cheers, Gerald

My pleasure Gerald.

When you just know that there is a way of doing something, but just can't quite remember how - it's really frustrating.

As for me, I put stuff down then can't find it again - now where has that cordless mouse gone ...........

All the best

Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: tarbat on February 10, 2008, 11:07:24 AM
Well, after nearly a couple of days of using Radarbox, here's my polar diagram. Note the YELLOW is my Radarbox coverage, and the RED is my SBS-1 coverage from a few weeks ago.  You'll see that coverage is similar.  I really need to leave this running for a few more days to get a full polar diagram.


Unfortunately my coverage is restricted in some directions due to being surrounded by houses, whereas I live in a bungalow.  By overlaying my polar diagram on a street plan, you can see where some of the houses restrict my coverage.  I guess I need an antenna up on a 10m pole.


As far as network sharing goes, I still have more sharers on Planeplotter than I do on the Airnav network, so Airnav really need to sell a Radarbox to someone on the Western Isles or the Shetland Isles!
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: tarbat on February 19, 2008, 11:10:36 AM
For the first time since getting Radarbox my aircraft list is longer than one page!!


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Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: reign1 on April 01, 2008, 09:32:11 PM
Hi Tarbat, your screen shots of Scotland look superb with the hi-res coastline. On these i cant see the original low res coast lines, have you found a way to remove them or are they just hard to see in your screen shots? Cheers John.
Title: Re: Scottish Highlands - 9th Feb
Post by: tarbat on July 04, 2008, 09:35:12 PM
Hi Tarbat, your screen shots of Scotland look superb with the hi-res coastline. On these i cant see the original low res coast lines, have you found a way to remove them or are they just hard to see in your screen shots? Cheers John.

Well, a reply, better late than never!!!

No, all I do is set the original coastlines to BLACK.  It's not perfect, especially when you zoom in:

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